Introducing a 9 month Course in Water Magic

I know many of you have heard me say it over and over, but it is FINALLY HERE! I am so excited to be making this announcement. Starting in March 2015, I will be offering a 9 month course in Water Witchcraft and Magic! This course will run from March 1st until mid November. What does this course offer? More than you can imagine! In 9 months we will pack Sacred Baths, Mythology and Folklore, Sacred Waters, Creating and working with water, meditations and much much more! If you would like to see the entire syllabus then click here

Each course packet includes 

  • 9 Individual lessons delivered electronically on the 20th of each month. 
  • Full Moon Bath 
  • Lavender and Rose Bath  
  • Quarts, Blue lace Agate, Rose quarts
  • Vial of herbs
  •  3 Shells
  •  Sea bath and mirror  
  • Avalon Tea 
  • Black bath salt Seeds

Water Witchcraft

Most people are familiar with sea witches and sea witchcraft. It seems as if, like the village witch, the sea witch has been recognized as a solitary powerful path by the general community. Of course sea witchcraft is not limited to solitary practitioners, as I know of a few sea witch covens around the globe, but often times sea witches are inclined to carve their own path, similar to the way a river might carve it's own path through stones. Water witches, like the Sea Witch, are drawn to the water. Water witches are drawn not only to the ocean, but they feel and must answer the call of river water, lake water, canals and even the rain. Like the sea, these bodies of water are seductresses. They pull at our heart strings and torture our spirit; pining and raging like an ocean in a storm. I have heard whispers of those that say they have Mermaid or Selkie blood and also of those that have had past lives as such creatures; perhaps they are true and perhaps it is just the seduction of the mysterious waters. What is known, is that the water calls to us, it pulls us in and we feel empty and lost with out it.

A water witch is simply one that works witchcraft with water. Over the years I have found some that are skeptical, and others that deeply understand my words. It is very interesting that Sea Witches seem to be accepted by the pagan world, but Water Witches are not. However, with the recent publishing of Whist Waters by Gemma Gary, it seems as if the Witchcraft community is finally interested in accepting Water Witchcraft as well. It makes sense; water is everywhere. It is not just the ocean or large lakes, it is the rain, the swamps, large rivers and seasonal streams etc. Water is essential to our life; we cannot go without water for longer than a few days without death. Our bodies are made up of a considerable portion of water. We know from Dr Masaru Emoto's work with water (which I will discuss below) that even the slightest word can create a change in water, and how that word is spoken influences the outcome of that change. When we put these thoughts about water and change together with the definition of magic...

Magic is...

"the science and art of causing Change to occur in conformity with will" 
~Aleister Crowley~

"the art of changing consciousness in accordance with will"
~Doreen Valiente~

We end up with a very clear picture of how powerful water magic can be. In short, since we know that words and intent influence the structure of a water molecule and that magic is change according to will and will and intent are almost synonymous then we have a basic formula for Water magic. Intent + water = a visual change. In a way, we can even see the magic take place!

Before I continue I want to share some of Dr. Masaru Emoto's work. I am a big fan, and I am absolutely thrilled that we have scientific evidence that thoughts, spoken and written word, music, and environment effect the way that water forms crystals. This short video on youtube gives a very quick overview of all his work. Dr. Emoto began photographing water crystals and comparing how they looked. He found that polluted water and natural spring water were incredibly different. He then took it a steps further and played music for several hours to distilled water. The results were astounding. Classical music formed beautiful snowflake like crystals while heavy metal produced scrambled molecules. He then took it even further and began speaking single words to the water and watching how it changed. Positive words created beautiful patterns while negative words did not. You can see in the video below some of these images and how they are compared. Dr. Emoto's work is widely known and in the past few years has gained much popularity and respect world wide.

When we look at Water Magic as a practice, utilizing it in either small (rain, wells, etc) or large quantities (lakes, ocean etc), it is very clear that chanting, spells, incantations, sigils, and many more magical practices can be incorporated and the result is incredibly powerful. For hundreds of years Holy Wells have been revered for their powers of both cursing and healing. Such bodies of water include the famous hot springs at Bath. The hot baths, shrines and a temple dedicated to Sulis, the Goddess that presides over the hot springs, are  known to heal, but are also known for its curse tablets, where over 300 were found. Many bodies of water like the Glastonbury red and white wells contain their own properties which are enhanced by the calcium and iron deposits. For hundreds of years Clootie have been hung over sacred wells in the UK. This was practiced widely from Wales to Scottland and still is today. The famous Mother Shipton, witch and oracle, lived by a sacred spring and can still be visited today. Not suprisingly her name is Ursula Southeil (interesting connection to Disney's little mermaid!) As you can see both Folklore and Science support the idea of water magic.

Water Witchcraft, as I stated before, is very similar to Sea Magic and Sea Witchcraft. Sea Witches usually stick to the sea shore, however water witches will be found just about everywhere. Near lakes, rivers, holy wells etc. Tools are usually gathered from the shoreline and oftentimes shells, driftwood, and plants are their tools of choice. Water Witches will most often blend Sea magic with their craft. Focusing on tides, moon cycles, and so much more. Since there is no specific Water Tradition (with one exception) you will find that most sea/water witches practice very differently. Some incorporate water and sea spirits, fae or deity into their practice, while others believe that there is no religion associated with their practice at all. These topics are very popular in the pagan community and chat boards, and though they do influence water/sea magic, they are not a topic I am going to discuss here and for one very simple reason; No one will ever agree! Water witches will also find that they differ in their beliefs, the one thing that binds us together is Water in her many forms. For me, a Water witch's practice can be defined by Magic that is focused around water, water creatures living and dead, spirits that are associated with water, and if one wishes Goddess and Gods associated with Water.

** The one exception in tradition I mention above is The Water Witches in the UK. There is very limited information on them however. They are part of a group of people that were very much like gypsies, but their homes were floating barges. There is no particular tradition and with limited information it is hard to say how they practiced. However what we do know is they were wandering people of the industrial revolution that lived on the water canals in the UK. Many people still live this way today, but I am not sure if they exist in the same manner.  I call this a tradition because it was a group of people that practiced for years in a similar way, and many were family. You can read about my own adventures on these mysterious canals here.

There are many different types of water; fresh water lakes and the ocean are not the only types and many hold as much power and mystery such as the muddy waters of the Uk Canals, sacred wells, and swamps. Many sea witches work with brackish water and so do water witches. There is so much magic in the brackish waters of the Calvert cliffs. Large Megolodon teeth can be found on the shores, and stingrays swim circles in the early morning on the calm glassy surface of the pale blue and gold water with the sun rising in the east. The shores are full of healing and death, with yarrow growing among the poison  hemlock on the banks of the shore speaking of balance and bane. Large predators once roamed the waters and the stings of the jellyfish are fierce. Oh how glorious to watch the storm come across the waters...

Swamp water is also full of mystery and poison. Toads, snakes and spiders lurk with in the grooves of a hollowed cypress tree, tall nubs of the cypress trees roots peek above the surface of the waters. Swamp waters can be found all over the world. Most commonly known would be the Florida Everglades and the Bayou of Louisiana. Any type of magic you can imagine can be practiced in this type of water, from natural magic to voodoo. However I will say, I do not think that ceremonial magic would be suited for this type of environment

Lakes and Fountains hold so much mystery and mythology. The Lady of the lake has to be the most famous account of water magic taking place in a lake. There are several tales of Ladies of the Fountain and Lake Ladies and their magical gardens, healing powers, and bargains.

Rain, Snow, Hail and storm energy in general is very interesting to work with as well. I personally collect water everywhere I go. Often times I label and date it with what type of storm it was. As you can imagine, a summer sun shower would be beautiful warm energy, and hail and a lightning storm pack a VERY powerful punch and can be incorporated into magical workings that need the extra push or used to curse. There is nothing like sitting on the banks of a large body of water, watching a terrible storm roll in. Many water witches enjoy this type of weather, and pull energy from the storm as well as send spells out and let the roaring winds and waters weave the magic.

Types of water you can work with include, sea, brackish, lakes, rivers, distilled, hydrosol, swamps, snow, hail, rain, ponds, canals, seasonal creeks, sacred wells and other bodies of water. Really there is no limit to how you can use water magic! I find that Water Witches are attracted to bottles, bowls, and other vessels. They are often found beach combing or searching the banks of rivers and lakes. Many I have spoken with are drawn to some sort of mythological water spirit or creature such as Mermaids, Selkie, and Lake Ladies. Many love to swim, boat, and are often found in the bath. Interestingly, astrological charts seem to indicate a strong lean towards water, often times having a Water rising sign as well as a Watery moon. However this is not a hard fast rule and it does vary. Often times, Water witches are very good at water scrying, divination with shells or bones found along the shoreline. Almost every Sea/Water witch I have met is a bit of a magpie and will collect shells, wood, glass etc from the water and create shrines or water based altars. Many work with tea, sacred baths, healing waters, holy wells, hydrosols, and water based sprays. I will blog more about how to work with different bodies of water and how to work with them in the future.

Resurrection Water

As you know the past 6 months have been hard. These things just happen, no one person can always have a great day, week, month or in my case several months. So last week was my birthday. It was a quiet day, as all my celebrations had been over the weekend. I was gifted with great food, cake and presents. Last year was a big year for me and I had stressed myself out. I am very glad to have had a nice quiet birthday this year.

A fellow witch who we will call D. came over to pick up some flying ointment. I had helped him out with supplies for his coven last Samhain and he gifted me with a few little gifts. I always try to reciprocate even if it is MONTHS later. I had finally strained this batch of herbs and made my third and most potent brew. I sold out of all the large ones locally, all but one. I had one left and it had D.'s name all over it! When he stopped by I was just finishing up with an emergency henna client. We had hennaed several places for a show she had coming up, and for whatever reason, it did NOT like her upper hip, we were finishing up very quickly as D. arrived. We got to talk of poisons and he showed me the most beautiful ritual knife I have seen. As he was wrapping the knife back up we reminisced that we had the same birthday! He reminded me about some particular astrology notes regarding our birthday. This gave rise to a few ideas of what to do magically, on my birthday.

Since no one had any big plans for me that night I decided to take the night to myself. I cleaned the magic room first, as I have been using it for research and books were strewn across the floor with various notes, sketches, and random bits of bone, shell, and rock packed in baskets and on glass dishes. That is how I roll in the magic room, when I work, I work! Tonight was different though because it was my birthday. I decided to work some personal magic with sigils, black scrying water, a hand made ancestor candle from the last batch and Resurrection water made from the Rose of Jerico.

A resurrection plant or Rose of Jerico or Selaginella lepidophylla  belongs to the spikemoss family.  It has been used as an antimicrobial and can ease sore throats, and colds (please consult your doctor before use) Traditionally it is used in hoodoo and similar practices for various magical reasons. The plant looks like a small tumble weed, brown and brittle. Though the plant in itself is magical it was the water and the actions that take place in the water that truly hold the power, at least for me. Once the roots of the plant have been submerged into water the plant begins its resurrection process. It opens slowly over a few hours. Once the plant has come to life I remove some of this life giving water and use it in other workings. Any working which requires transformation, rebirth, and forward movement would be an appropriate use for this plant. 

I have been working with the resurrection plant for coven rituals lately. We have been using the water left in the dish after it has opened for healing rituals. The plant's energy is quiet, but very strong. I started by taking the bottle of water from the spring I collected several weeks ago, on my excursion to the hot springs with "the bestie". I poured the water over my hands into the bowl letting the OLD flow off into the bowl and onto the dead miniature tumble weed seated in my sacred blue bowl. Though not dead, it was dormant and looks like it is barely clinging to life curled up just hanging on, keeping its energy reserves for when it really needed it. The blue bowl is the same blue vessel you see throughout the blog in various states. It has become my main water working tool and for this rite it was creating change by being the cauldron or vessel of change. It held the dried and cracked plant crumpled tight in to the shape of the ball. As the water rushed over my hands I released all the old, and everything I wanted gone. Ritually cleansing and releasing everything old and worn out into the bowl. I went into my ritual bare, clean and ready to really take that leap and go into the next birth cycle free of old chains and pains. (Physically and emotionally)

I took myself into an altered state with a mixture of intoxicating herbs, ointments and incense, I chanted along with a playlist of deep songs that put me into an amazing trance state. They sent me right where I wanted to go... As the music faded away I came down from my flight to work a little magic on my birthday night. I had received a gift of a Henbane root in a black box several months ago. It had been more of an altar decoration than anything else. Then in the last moon cycle I began to work with it. I opened it up and gave it an offering of my blood. It has rested since. After my flight, I opened the box and ask for its spirit to aid me in my work. When my rite was finished the resurrection plant had bloomed. The blooming of the plant in conjunction with my rite symbolized in the physical world, what I had worked magically in the otherworld.

The next day copper dragonflies swarmed my head as I harvested the herbs from the garden for burnable herb bundles which some call smudge sticks. I have never seen so many dragonflies in Arizona! In fact not since I was Florida have I seen that many dragonflies! Their presences acknowledges my rite worked, and very speedy at that! Thanks to a little extra punch from Jupiter...

If you want to make your own Resurrection water simply place a resurrection plant (of either variety) in a bowl of water. After a few hours add a little more water because it absorbs the water very fast. Thank the plant for its help and energy then remove the water you need. Replace the plant and add just a little more more. It is important to remember to water from underneath. You don't want to soak the top of the plant because it may mold quickly. You can also add rose petals, herbs or stones to the water or bowl but always check to make sure they are safe for the plant and your magical working. You want to use water from a fresh source as they don't love ocean water very much. This is a plant of miracles, it can lay dormant with no water for many many years, possibly up to 50! The Resurrection water can be used for many reasons. Floor washes, personal cleansing, herbal remedies, and any magic that involves rebirth!